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Short story of my Journey as an ABM student!

From my experience, it started to be tough since there was a pandemic, there were a lot of struggles I've faced but I managed to continue and trust the process on everything I would do. I always make sure to plan first before doing my thing and to be organized. But sometimes in our life, we mess up everything and stress it out, also we must not forget to "never give up", instead we stand up and start again.  Oops, let's proceed to our main point, I chose ABM because I can see myself soon working on a bank or if given a chance I want to be a manager since I'm good at handling my team still I was also confused at that time as I was wondering If I could be an engineer so instead of achieving that why not be the engineer's wife, just kidding. After I chose my strand at Academia System Global Colleges, somewhere in August 2020, we started and adapt the new setup of the education system as it was not allowed to have face to face classes and it came to be challenging

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