Why should you choose ABM?


Hello fellow students! 

Are you having a hard time choosing your strand?

 If you want to be a future Accountant, Business Owner, Manager, Financer, Cashier, etc. Be part of the ABM students. If you are good at math that is great but if you're not good at it, you can improve it, you can also enhance your abilities and broaden your knowledge. 

So what are you waiting for? Let's go further to know more about this strand.

 According to UNO-R, in their explanations, The Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) academic strand would include the fundamentals of financial management, business management, corporate operation, and accounting. It provides students with the necessary skills and information to work in the business sector. Students who desire to be business leaders and entrepreneurs should enroll in this senior year high school strand. ABM can also lead you to careers in management and accounting which could be a sales manager, human resources, marketing director, project officer, bookkeeper, accounting clerk, internal auditor, and a lot more. 


Can you see yourself as an ABM student? 

Friendly reminder, be 100% sure of your decision as this will reflect your future. It's up to you what you wanted to be, just be yourself and follow what's in your heart yet plan it using your mind. Also, every strand is difficult but it depends on the student how they will handle it.
